
Home Service
Network for developer

A comprehensive network for your services

Skycom Host is a network designed to provide stable connectivity, using dedicated IPs to create nodes and enable users to host their projects independently, avoiding costly data centers. You can access our network by purchasing one of our preconfigured routers or by using your own Mikrotik router.

FTTH connection is required, and once connected, you'll be ready to access the network specifically designed to host your servers and services.

Service benefit

Benefit of our Services


Our network consists of computer programmers who offer their services at affordable costs or assistance of any kind.

Dev Visibility

Our nodes are listed on the website and Discord. If you use the node to offer services, you can get noticed by other programmers and collaborate with them.

POP optimization

Our network is constantly evolving to offer more services to the community of programmers and clients.

A new generation

Our network is designed for those who want to offer their services online and leverage FTTH connections, which are increasingly popular today but are not fully utilizing their potential.

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